The Super Naturals


Placing Indian coffees on the map

The Super Naturals is a blend of two naturally processed specialty coffees from India. Summing up, they pack a punch of sweetness and body.

          Origin: This blend combines coffees from two bio-regions                                                      Balmaadi Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu,                                     India  Ratnagiri, Karnataka, India.

Sensory experience: With an intense fragrance that encapsulates notes of tropical fruit and sweet spice, this coffee offers a rich sensory journey. Upon sipping, a buttery coating of milk chocolate, red berries, and caramel fills the palate. The aftertaste lingers with a note of blood orange.

Elevate your experience: Listen to a coffee soundscape track produced by Prismer (Rohan). This soundscape is designed to enhance your coffee enjoyment, creating a truly multi-sensory experience.




Iced V60:

  • Ratio: 1:13
  • Ingredients: 16 g of coffee, 208 ml of water, and 120 g of ice at the end
  • Grind Size: Medium fine (around 800 microns, should feel like kitchen salt)
  • Water Temperature: 92°C, or 3 minutes off the boil
  1. Pre-Wash Your Filter
  2. Prepare Water and Ice
    • Heat your water to 92°C
    • Fill a glass with ice


  • First pour: 40 ml from 00:00 to 00:30
  • Second pour: 106 ml from 00:30 to 01:00
  • Third pour: 172 ml from 01:00 to 01:30
  • Fourth pour: 208 ml from 01:30 to 02:00

Final Steps:

  • Pour the brewed coffee over the ice.
  • Keep some coffee in the decanter to cool down.
  • To experience different temperatures, let the coffee layer as it cools down


Since this espresso is a flavour bomb, brew it at a slightly lower temperature than usual. This helps refine the flavours and avoids the espresso being too overwhelming or confusing.

  • Temperature: 89°C
  • Ratio: 1:2.5
  • Grind Size: Fine, as this helps capitalize on the sweetness of The Super Naturals

Don’t be concerned if the brewing time is above 30 seconds; a longer extraction is actually encouraged with this coffee as it will uncover a lot of its flavours as it opens up. The sweet spot, in our opinion, is at around 37 to 39 seconds of extraction, with a long pre-infusion of 7 to 10 seconds.

Basic Recipe:

  • 18 grams in
  • 45 ml out

If you have access to a paragon or an extract chiller, use it for the first 20 seconds of extraction.

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